Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Alright, Alright. It's update time.

I stopped posting because, well, it was a bit hard to type my weight for awhile there. With the whole situation of Cushings and doing the running, eating right, working out, the scale seemed to be my nemesis. Everyone around reassured me that I was apparently having a body dysmorphic moment where I believed I was bigger - but I saw the scale, I saw myself naked. Nothing seemed to be working. At one point the scale actually read 189. Just seeing that made me want to throw up.

Well, since then I've been "officially" diagnosed with Cushings which led to a medication to control my pituitary gland (part of the cause is a non-operable tumor on it), I've really taken to heart the getting out and get running, and I'm really watching what I eat most days.

This morning I ended up 1/2 dazed as I got out of the shower and did the normal routine of get naked, get weighed, get showered. But when I stepped on the scale it read 162. Didn't seem right - I mean I was 169 on Thursday at the doctor and I really didn't watch my ps & qs this weekend with puppy sitting and what not. After the shower and a bit more awake, I stepped on it wet - 164. Funny, I thought - two pounds of water? I mean 164 itself still didn't seem right. Towel on head - 166. Towel off of head - 163.5 (guess I dried a bit). Then it dawned on me - this is freaking awesome.

The first result - it's healthy weight loss. I've been really losing about 2 lbs a week, average for a female. The second - all the work is paying off.

To tell you honestly, Shaq's Big Challenge has been a catalyst in the struggle to do things RIGHT. If you've read the beginning of this blog, you'll know that I've struggled with that concept. If you're not familiar - I recommend searching it big time on Google, what he did for these 6 kids was amazing - especially a kid named Chris. I mean, you see his before and after and can't believe it's the same person.

Anyway, back to work and not being ashamed of the scale!


BumpNRun said...

Tumor, that's a big bummer. :(

Congrats on loosing the weight though, that's a lot of hard work! I don't know about Shaq's challenge though, what channel was that on?

Milwaukee Girl said...

I think it was ABC. Shaq came up with a 3 tier fitness plan for schools to stop obesity in America. It combined better school lunches (on the same budget of $1.00 per lunch), exercise and the presidential challenge. He took 6 overweight kids and put them through 9 months of training. And it worked. Phenomenal!

It was ABC - here's the link ...