Saturday, January 14, 2006

Day Two

Weight: 155.75


How much to go? 16 - 20 lbs.

Weightloss: I got up, had a 3/4 cup of Special K Yogurt and Fruit with skim milk and went to the gym. Prior to the gym I picked up three pubs of reading material to keep me interested in my cardio routine.

I got to the gym, stretched a bit and weighed in at 155.75 - not too bad. I signed up for tanning 2 hours after my start so that I made sure I worked out the entire time. I went to the bikes and started reading, 35 minutes later I decided to do weights after ditching the pubs. On my way back to my locker, I bumped into an old friend and chatted it up a bit for the next hour and fifteen. She left and I only had five minutes for the chest press. Press away I did. (3) Reps of 10 at 50 proved too heavy, so did the (2) reps of 10 a 45 but the (3) reps of 25 at 35 were too light ... it didn't matter, my five minutes were up and I grabbed an old Cosmo and headed to the bed.

Still needing to head to the grocery store for apples and cat food, I had to leave the gym in hopes of getting home to clean up and start on my mental health.

Goal for the day: Clean, don't pig out because you're home. I didn't accomplish this - turns out TV was pretty good - but I did get four loads of laundry done - which requires hiking up and down a flight of stairs and now I have clothes to wear to work.

Fabulous to Note: I read in a magazine that the best way to save money is to not use anything under $5. So if you get singles and change, you put them away to start savings. It's not much - but I do have a whole $6.08 saved this week which is better than the $0 that I had as of last week.

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